What is a unified development ordinance?
A Unified Development Ordinance is the adopted law of the Town that regulates land use, growth, and development. It divides the Town into different zoning districts. The zoning district regulations generally govern the types of uses and the location and size of development in each district. A Unified Development Ordinance also includes provisions that establish the procedures for how development proposals are reviewed and approved or denied; standards that govern the form and quality of development such as standards for parking, landscaping, and signage; and standards for how new subdivisions are laid out. The Town’s current Zoning Ordinance functions as a Unified Development Ordinance, and the rewritten ordinance will be called the Unified Development Ordinance, or UDO. A link to the Town's current Zoning Ordinance can be found on the DOCUMENTS page on this site.
Why rewrite the existing zoning ordinance?
The last comprehensive update of the Zoning Ordinance occurred over a decade ago in concert with an update of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. The Town has seen significant change in the intervening years and recently adopted the new OneMooresville Comprehensive Plan. This project is an opportunity to implement the policies in the OneMooresville Comprehensive Plan, and to make technical edits, update provisions to reflect best practices of modern planning and zoning techniques, and ensure the document is organized in a user-friendly way. The result of the project will be a new set of regulations that are modernized, easier to use, and aligned with the Town's future vision and development goals.
How is this related to OneMooresville?
A number of priority actions of the OneMooresville Comprehensive Plan involve changes to the existing Zoning Ordinance. The plan also calls for a comprehensive update to the regulations: “The next step in ensuring the land use and character vision for the Town is to update the Mooresville Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances to reflect the guidance in this plan.”
How long will the process take?
A comprehensive rewrite is a significant undertaking, and is projected to take approximately 16 months to complete.
Who is managing the project?
The project is being conducted under the direction of the Town's Planning and Community Development Department, with assistance from Clarion Associates.
Where can I get copies of project work products and related documents?
The Documents & Work Products page of this website will be updated regularly to include links to all documents produced as part of this effort, and supporting information.
How can I get involved?
Sign up for the project mailing list using the button at the bottom of this page to receive emails about upcoming events and the release of work products. Consider attending public forums on the project, reviewing draft material as it is released, and submitting your comments.